Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Well it got to be 8:30 and I needed to get a movie under my belt. On IFC I started watching "Bully" but I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes, it was just that bad. So I went for PPV and we watched "Sahara".
It's a pretty predictable action adventure film in the mode of Raiders, set in the Sahara and on the Niger river.
Some pretty good unrealistic action scenes, totally like a comic book, and it mostly kept my attention. The camels were a nice touch.
It wasn't bad, wasn't great, just a time passer with good scenery and somewhere in there, a plot.

The rest of my day was as un eventful; I had a headache all day so I won't get into how miserable that was.
I took a lovely bath andI generally kept a low profile.

During morning chores I went out in the field with Simon and we moved the sheep around so I could get a look at them, to see if I had anyone getting near to lambing. I have one new lamb already, and a few limpy ones that should be doctored, but I didn't see anyone uddered up near to lambing.

In a strange turn of character, Quigley came up to me in the field and was a real pal. He let me catch him, and he even followed me around afterwards. He hasn't been that way since he was a baby; it was a very very nice way for him to be, it made me very happy with him.


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