Sarah:3, Entropy:1,948,398,697,but I'm making progress.

This is all I need. Dry hay. A whole truck of dry hay. I am almost back to where I was before the flood. Minus a bit of my bank account, but clean dry barn, my shop in order, hay in the barn.
After the mess of the other night when I tried to drive my little truck out into the field and got stuck, then drove the big truck out to pull the little truck which then ran out of gas, my big truck was still in the field. I got gas and then made a huge mess and finally got it out of the field.
It's had an overheating/ leaky hose problem for a long time now, and T brought a hose for it home last night. I managed to finally get the old hose off and replace it today, and off we went to Fortuna to get hay.
Mostly uneventful except the truck the R was using can't be turned off once it's jumper, and he turned it off and neigher of us had cables. He got a friend to come and jump him.
At the barn where the hay is there's lots of delicious bits of scrap metal.
I spent a lovely evening at the ranch working and setting up the shop. I took the bench vise and the bench grinder over there, and slapped together a work bench/ table. I started working on a stand for a Lamb Bar, but I need a new blade for the hack saw.
TomorrowI'll get a rivet set and a new blade for my saw.
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