Rats and Hamster Valentines Dance
It was strangely pleasant climbing around on the truck last night. The passing rainclouds with the moon shining through them. I was trying to haul a tarp over the hay ( still) in the back of the big truck. It was almost midnight, everything, including myself, was wet. It was like playing in the rain. Sort of.
I was almost laughing out loud.
Not much to report. The little rain we got last night was the first drops we have seen in almost 2 weeks. Everything has pretty much dried up here, what with the cold whipping winds we had on Monday and the sun, even the lake on Saottinis place is gone. Of course, much of mine is still there, and my tractor is still stranded on Manure Island.
The water on Meridian Rd is completely gone; that's been flooded since December. Maybe soon they'll fix the bridge so my commute will be cut in half. I really despise driving through town everytime I go to the ranch.
From the 19th through the 23rd I have 4 does due to kid; afterwhich I get almost a month break ( next due on the 13th, oh but J brought me a doe due on the 7th. Drrrr)
While I was milking ysterday, the feedstore truck showed up with my Valentines gift! A big green square bouquet! He knows what I want...
What with all the animal chores I haven't done any metal work, and I am anxious to get back to it. Not today, as I am hauling 2 more lambs to the butcher.
Steve the hamster has been missing since before we went on our ski trip.
The past few nights we have heard him scritching around, but we hadn't found him. 2 nights ago I heard him by my bed so I turned on the light and saw A MOUSE not Steve run under the bed.
Great, there's some sort of rodentfest going on in our house.
So last night I tore apart the corner of the house where I figured this was all going on and sent the Might Rat Hunter (Jet; Schipperke Queen) in to get the thing.
She found nothing in there, ( I did get it cleaned out, though) but then Ted got her on point in another corner, and sure enough she was pointing at Steve! So Steve is back home and we can set a trap for the other vermin.
I was almost laughing out loud.
Not much to report. The little rain we got last night was the first drops we have seen in almost 2 weeks. Everything has pretty much dried up here, what with the cold whipping winds we had on Monday and the sun, even the lake on Saottinis place is gone. Of course, much of mine is still there, and my tractor is still stranded on Manure Island.
The water on Meridian Rd is completely gone; that's been flooded since December. Maybe soon they'll fix the bridge so my commute will be cut in half. I really despise driving through town everytime I go to the ranch.
From the 19th through the 23rd I have 4 does due to kid; afterwhich I get almost a month break ( next due on the 13th, oh but J brought me a doe due on the 7th. Drrrr)
While I was milking ysterday, the feedstore truck showed up with my Valentines gift! A big green square bouquet! He knows what I want...
What with all the animal chores I haven't done any metal work, and I am anxious to get back to it. Not today, as I am hauling 2 more lambs to the butcher.
Steve the hamster has been missing since before we went on our ski trip.
The past few nights we have heard him scritching around, but we hadn't found him. 2 nights ago I heard him by my bed so I turned on the light and saw A MOUSE not Steve run under the bed.
Great, there's some sort of rodentfest going on in our house.
So last night I tore apart the corner of the house where I figured this was all going on and sent the Might Rat Hunter (Jet; Schipperke Queen) in to get the thing.
She found nothing in there, ( I did get it cleaned out, though) but then Ted got her on point in another corner, and sure enough she was pointing at Steve! So Steve is back home and we can set a trap for the other vermin.

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