Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Black and white, and black and white

Aargh. I have been trying to make a post for 2 days. If this has come through, I guess the problem has been solved.
The "problem" was my interest and acquisition of a news aggregator. I spent quite a bit of time shopping and I thought I had found one that suited me.
Well, after downloading it I found lots of problems with it; the format, the ease of use. And then it started affecting my whole computer. To top it off, there was no uninstall that came with it.

Anyway, I don't want to rant and it seems to be fixed.
Rants: this new blog is a rant free zone. In my new world I have seen the light; I see that 90% of peoples blogs are rants; which brings to mind the question "Why is that?"

Back to the present.
On Sunday I spent the rainy rainy day shopping for fabric for my next quilt; it is to be a black and white log cabin with red centers. I have been collecting material for this for a while and it's time and season to be working on it.
Here's the pile of fabric that I have to work with.

Last night I got 5 squares done; only about 60 more to go.

In a continuation on the theme, I worked on some old Black and white photos my aunt had sent me.
About a year ago she sent me her wedding album, after I had mentioned I might like to see it. Her only wedding album, from 1965, Just in a box with some other stuff. That was daring. So I needed to scan it all and send it back to her.
A rainy day seemed to be a good time to start working on it.

I started with a bunch of pictures that she had included; very old photos my grandmother had glued to a piece of cardboard, which she often did with photos.
Pictures of my dad and other aunt when they were tiny; these are really old. My Aunt Irene in a stroller!
So I am scanning everything and I'll make a disk and prints for the family and send them out with christmas cards.
Here's a sample; a picture of my aunt who died last year.


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