Saturday, November 12, 2005

Piercing problams

On my way to the ranch this morning , I found this in the field across from mine:

This is a holstein heifer with her nose ring caught on a fence post. The dairymen put these in so the calves won't suck on other heifers ( they have a pointy edge that pokes the suckee).

This is not the first time I have found a heifer like this, it's not even the first time I've found one in this field.

When I tried to work on getting her off, she really went ballistic and I thought she's rip it out ( Holsteins are notoriously wacky).
Fortunately, right then a neighbor pulled up. I asked him if he'd tail her while I tried to get her off.
So he got out of his truck, changed his shoes to his boots , volunteered for the rear detail and rolled under the fence to the cow side.
All this time she is really thrashing ( understandably).
Just as he starts to get close to her she rears up and jumps straight up, sliding the ring right up the post. At the same time she launches herself skyward and jumps right over the fence.

I went to the rancher in charge of said heifer,to tell him what had happened. He wasn't home but he pulled in just as I was leaving him a note.


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