It's just another day.
I've missed a few days; they just go by no matter what. Nothing you can do about it.
On Thursday Iwent up to J's dairy and helped her clip the udders on her milking string.
That was a lot of goats, a lot of hair and the wind through the barn wasn't making the whole thing more pleasant. But we got it done, just in time for the skies to darken and a nother windy rainy winter stormy night set in.
The bridge on Meridian Road is set back in its moorings, but all the mud from the last flooding is still on the road. When I went down to see if I could drive across, I tirned around and got myself stuck so I had to call the cavalry ( Ted) to come and pull me out.
The weather is alternating between winter and spring, sometimes within the hour. Right now, bright sun and blue sky. It doesn't even look windy. Shhhhhh.....
I've done some work on a sheep inherited by Jim McVicker, a local artist who often paints in Brian's garden. Years ago we saw a painting of his in a local gallery, and there I am; he painted me hoeing Brian's strawberries right in the middle. At the time, we were poor young parents; no way could we consider buying an original painting which cost more than our rent which we sometimes had trouble meeting. We heard the painting sold and went down to the Napa valley, I believe.
ANYway, the last time I took care of his sheep, I told him instead of paying me, could I get a copy of the painting. He had a slide and made a print and on Friday we went and picked it up.
There I am, probably over 15 years ago, in my overalls weeding:
On Thursday Iwent up to J's dairy and helped her clip the udders on her milking string.
That was a lot of goats, a lot of hair and the wind through the barn wasn't making the whole thing more pleasant. But we got it done, just in time for the skies to darken and a nother windy rainy winter stormy night set in.
The bridge on Meridian Road is set back in its moorings, but all the mud from the last flooding is still on the road. When I went down to see if I could drive across, I tirned around and got myself stuck so I had to call the cavalry ( Ted) to come and pull me out.
The weather is alternating between winter and spring, sometimes within the hour. Right now, bright sun and blue sky. It doesn't even look windy. Shhhhhh.....
I've done some work on a sheep inherited by Jim McVicker, a local artist who often paints in Brian's garden. Years ago we saw a painting of his in a local gallery, and there I am; he painted me hoeing Brian's strawberries right in the middle. At the time, we were poor young parents; no way could we consider buying an original painting which cost more than our rent which we sometimes had trouble meeting. We heard the painting sold and went down to the Napa valley, I believe.
ANYway, the last time I took care of his sheep, I told him instead of paying me, could I get a copy of the painting. He had a slide and made a print and on Friday we went and picked it up.
There I am, probably over 15 years ago, in my overalls weeding:

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