Friday, March 31, 2006

Yay, we're over 50"!!!

RAIN 0.35 today
0.47 inches last 24 hours.
11.25 inches this month.
50.17 inches seasonal (July - June)

And still 1/4 of the year left!

I woke up 3 times this morning to 3 different kinds of weather; downpour, sun, partly cloudy.

I have a little Alpine doe, born last weekend here in the house. Yesterday morning she was quite sick, probably because since she ate so well I undulged her with too much milk. So I threw every remedy I could think of at her, and by this morning she was standing in her tub calling for a bottle.
Oh, her name? "What's For Dinner". Yes, that's her name.

I lazed around yesterday and didn't do any afternoon ranch work.
I have managed to whittle my chore time to under 2 hours from almost 3. Efficiency is the key, getting the pasteurizer going fast, switching does around so the slow milkers can hang while I do something else. When I had the dairy my chore time was about the same. Go figure.

I have a break in kidding for almost a week, then I have quite a few from the 5th to the 13th. After that I'm pretty much done but for a few in June, my yearlings.
I am milking 14 does right now, way too many. I might dry up a couple or sell one or 2.

Today is the deadline for kids to be born for the project, so what I have is what I have. Today we should get results from the blood tests, so I can get an idea of what I have to go. I have a nice pen of does, but midway through the first month, I discovered that my thermometer was off and that I hadn't been heating the milk high enough. There's a chance that a test will come back positive on these does, but maybe not. Otherwise I have the sweet seal pups just born to Annie and the 2 alpine does.

Eek I just realized that today is also the deadline for registrations to ADGA; tomorrow they go up $1.00 per form.
Guess I'll be doing that today..


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