Wednesday, August 09, 2006

booth sign ball of twine

First cheese cake was passable, That's O k as I was really expecting a total failure, and it's quite edible. It was an easy recipe and I'll make another soon, I know how to make it better.

Cohyn came by this morning to get some showmanship training as he will be helping me show some of these goats, and he has never done it before. He was a good student, and I think he will do fine.

Mike came by this morning and took a few of the largest kids along with 2 of mine. The lock is on.

Fleeces and cheese are due today, as well as the barn open to bringing in animals. I'll haul my dry doelings and kids tonight and the milkers tomorrow after milking.

I have one or 2 more shots at a good cheese so I am taking it. What I have now is O K but I'd like better. It's not really going to make a difference as I think I might have the only entries..

I sorted my fleeces and I'll take them over in a little while. I need stuff from town. Tomorrow the fair opens, and one of my routes to the ranch becomes one way, so I can't use it. That's a downside to the fair; it's kind of a pain..


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