Monday, August 07, 2006

Still Ow ow ow

Alternating Ibuprofen with Pseudafed every other hour seems to be helping.

I went up to J's dairy today and brought home Nibbles to get her ready for the show. I also brought 2 Alpine does to breed. I stopped on the way home to get some denim material to sew some more goat blankets as it looks like the weekend might be a bit chilly. Let's see if I get them done.

I managed to get 2 more does washed and bathed in a break in the overcast and the headache. And that's pretty much all I got done.

I watched Hidalgo; fine if you don't start thinking that it's a "true story" because it isn't.
It was good to drift in and out of sleep to.

Now I have cheese on the stove and the denim is in the washing machine. IOn Wednesday I have to enter my cheese at that fair so I have to produce some good stuff before then.

I am pretty sure that after the fair I will be selling the Lamanchas, and trying to hang on to the Alpines and Grades. After sitting here making a list of my Lamanchas I don't feel bad about that at all. There's nothing there that I can't live without, and less goats would be nice heading in to winter.


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