Tuesday, August 01, 2006


In working on my portable milking machine I was stuck at the vacuum reserve tank, really the only part that I neede to build/ fabricate/ morph.
Ted had sweet talked a guy at his plant into donating this great piece of Schedule 80 8" PVC pipe, but capping the ends was becoming a challenge.
I was so sure I had a scrap of 1/4" PVC sheet around that had floated onto my place in some flood, but when I found a piece, it was way too small. I really thought it was a bigger piece.
Checking on line, shipping was more than a few pieces of plastic.
Caps that were actually made for the pipe seemed to run over 30.00 each.
I found a plastics place in Eureka, so since I was hauling lambs today, I thought I'd stop in.

Then last night while I was working on a fencing project, I found the bigger piece ( that I had carefully stashed away) and I was THRILLED!!
The project took a huge step forward.
I stopped what I was doing and went to work on the tank.

An unknown material..can I cut it with my skil saw? Yes!
Can I shape it with my angle grinder? Yes!!

So in less than 1/2 hour I had cut, shaped fitted drilled and screwed one end on.
I now need to find some gasket material to seal the ends.

Now I'm in design mode; how wide to make the tank. Maybe I should set it on its end?
How to fit it onto the little cart.
Do the fittings come out the side or the end?

Yes, fittings are next and the dang thing is well on it's way.

I felt I wasn't getting much done yesterday, but in retrospect I

1. Spun enough yarn for another entry ( but I did discover I had entered 4 skeins, not 3)
2. Made cheese with a new recipe ( not thrilled).
3. Weed eated and set up a new fenceline behind Pat's house for another kid pen.
4. Vacuum tank well on it's way.


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