Thursday, October 05, 2006

Game 2 ALDS

Oh geez, it's tomorrow I'm getting up at dawn to drive to Redding with Amy. The 3 ( or is it 4 by now) way goat exchange will happen sometime around noon.
It just dawned on me that it was tomorrow.

I need to get pics of my little bucks as the recipient still hasn't decided on which one(s) she wants.

I am more than halfway through lazy's fleece and now I have started the lightest part. The wool is long lustrous and almost pearly silver, really beautiful. Now I need to get the sweater pattern I have in mind. This is a pattern I have knitted numerous times, but I have lost and ordered it more than once. You'd think I could do it from my head by now.

I was worrying about the state of my does yesterday, thinking I had so many that I needed to breed. But on looking over them I realized that pretty much all of the Alpines are now bred; it's just the Lamanchas that are still open ( and any AI does that haven't settled, which could be all of them). That was comforting.

No word on the state of my ranch future. No one was at the house yesterday, and I can't find the place listed. I really hope they call me when a decision has been made.
Must Play Lottery.

The ballgame last night was postponed until this afternoon. The Mets won theirs.

I guess I'd better clean out my truck today, or else all the goats and Amy will be sitting in my lap.


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