Sunday, October 08, 2006


Well we didn't miss all of the rest of the sunny days of the year, the sun came out yesterday, and today is already clear and bright. Even warm!.
Cohyn and I are going to the Fiber Arts Fair today; there's a spinning contest and I have some butt to (try) to kick.

I managed to get a lot done yesterday; I finally conquered the problem I was habing with the latest stanchion build. I was told not to get the cheap chop saw, and indeed I couldn't get a goot 45 deg cut. So I spent a good hour grinding the angles until it all fit together properly. I tack welded the frame together, then I ran out of wire! I have used up one whole spool of welding wire; fortunately I have another, and the next spool is a larger wire (.035)which should be better suited for my needs.

I also moved all the kids in the barn out for these last few weeks when the weather seems to be holding, and moved all the wethers out as well. I moved the 2 dry does that needed to be bred back to the barn, and moved the Kiko does out of their pen and into the GP.
I hauled Tarachandra to Sandras and had a good chat with her about thangs, all goaty.

I still need to card wool for the contest, and Neleven is in perfect heat this morning to get A I bred...


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