Tuesday, October 17, 2006


On Sunday Josh and I ( well, Josh actually drove) went up to Arcata to see "This Film Is Not Yet Rated"
The problem is worse than I could have imagined.

When we came out, it was raining, so we made a stop by the ranch to put some of my hay in the barn.

Poor Ted had my disease for the 24 hours, and he had to go to work. By Monday morning he was much better. Whatever it was I hope it was a virus and we'll never get it again, cause that totally sucked.

I started spinning one of the black merino fleeces from one of my yearlings yesterday. What a whole different operation from my silky Romney fleece. This one is soft, fine, crimpy and sticky. It is very hard to card as the drumcarder wants to clog and choke. I managed a skein last night, and I'm trying to get the rest of the fleece to dry ( it was out in the rain too) so I can get this done quickly, as it's a real pain. I did knit up a swatch, and it is the most lovely soft yarn, but what a drag.

My AI does are due to start coming back into heat if they didn't take, so I must steel myself against the disappointment. The first doe was bred to the last straw of that buck, so it would be nice if she was one of the ones that stuck. I did so many AI that even if my conception rate is really low, somebody will have taken, and I do have Misty already bred. She was the first doe AI'd this year, so maybe that's a good omen.

The sun is finally out today for the first time in almost a week. There has been no action at the ranch, but I can't find any real estate listings either. I figure either the place will sell right away, like some other local person has been wanting to buy it, or it won't sell. The real estate market seems to really have slowed way down this year. I can't remember the last property that has sold...

I have no headache today! I need to get back to work on this stanchion and send it off.


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