The Black Box

Oh what a nice day. Now the sun is setting and the temp is dropping rapidly, but mid day today, I looked at the thermometer (granted, it is perpindicular to the sun on the side of the south facing barn, but still ) it read 88 degrees!
I worked all afternoon on retrofitting my plywood dog box. I had been painting it for a week or so , and I had sanded it before that. Which reminds me, my sander is dead.
It has like 3 or so coats of the same rust o leum black semi gloss that I had painted my yard cart with.
Ted and I finally got the flashing from the lumber yard after some bogus advice last time I went looking..
(serenity now)
We got flashing and tiny (1/2") big flat head nails.
So I spent all afternoon in the sun armouring the dog box. I almost finished but ran out of nails, almost. BUt I was getting tired and I was making mistakes. I was going to run out of nails and I needed one more piece, so I needed to get to the lumberyard before they closed ( closed Sunday).
So I am ALMOST finished.
Ted has gone surfing. It must be a great day to be in the ocean.
He had to deliver a goat back to Jeanette's; we named her Noodle because she can turn herself sideways and slide through every gate on the ranch. I can't keep her in. She needs to leave.
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