Do I see a swallow?

My doe. Tippy, still hasn't kidded. I'm getting a bit anxious. She is my first daughter , and my first daughter to freshen out of my permanent Grand Champion, Nifty ( AKA Ms Man), as well as my first daughter to freshen out of another permanent Champion, Prince.
*Chews nubs that used to be fingernails.*
In other news, Ted started to try to revive my poor abandoned water logged tractor. So far he has gotten to the started which seems to be seized. I know it will get running at some point, I feel so bad for it. I have promised it I will build it it's own barn this summer.
The feeder project is moving along, I have a good vision how I am going to finish it, that makes it more likely to happen. I might have to buy some steel for the legs.
Rain is on it's way in for the week, the first we have had in almost a month. It's been a great break, and I've even spied some dust on occasion. Meridian Road has finally been opened and I am seeing part of my neighborhood I haven't seen in months. That's pretty strange, I hadn't seen any of the windstorm damage down there, or the flooding mess.
It changes my commute (I drive at least 2 usually 3 round trips per day)from a 10 minute, 5 mile, through town, round about drive to a 2 mile, 5 minute straight shot nothing but farms drive. It's like taking a time machine.
Daffodils are blooming, trees are flowering, babies are being born, it doesn't get dark until 6:30.
I keep thinking I see swallows, but I know they're still a month away.
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