Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Food? What's that?

Ug it took me almost 2 hours to do chores this morning. That is too long. It's time for me to sell some milkers. I almost took one with me up to J's today.
After I got all that done I drove up to J's dairy to help her trim the rest of the does in her dry pen. It was a fantastic beautiful sunny and almost warm day. We worked for over 3 hours straight, we did finally get to the end of them, and we were both pretty wiped out. After all of that we still needed to load my truck and trailer with hay for me to bring back for her weanlings that are at my place. Also, I took a buck kid I had asked for, plus 2 grade bucks that a friend was looking to feed extra milk to.

Once home I had afternoon feeding to do before I got a chance to sit down and have a bite to eat. Toast.

Now I am watching Project Runway, and soon I have to head out for evening chores. I am pretty tired. Oh and tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. Yippee.
Tomorrow is Tippy's due date and she is the last doe I have due in this bunch. I have a break until the 7th when one doe is due and until the 13th when the next bunch starts. From there it just goes until April.

It's time to sell some of these goats.


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