Farm love

Beautiful photographs from France of farm animals and horses
From the website:
Man and beast
Since the work on farm animals, all of the team’s animal portraits include a human component. This staging became evident from the very first shooting sessions. The initial project didn’t include the presence of the breeder next to his animal on the set, but the poor beasts seemed lost, appeared to call on their masters for help. Standing aside, the owners were slightly intimidated, even gauche without the animal.
At first sight, it becomes obvious that the true photograph is there, that the complicity between man and beast enriches the image by revealing a genuine rapport based on everyday contact. The team pursued this line with portraits of dogs, then of cats, and now, with portraits of horses.
Hey, when Ted was taking wood from your land for the house, did he have someone plane the logs or did he do that himself? -Rosie
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