Saturday, March 04, 2006

What is the difference between a garden and a farm?

Another storm is coming in and bringing some nasty wind. I am hoping that anything that will blow down already has.

I talked to J Z for a long time last night about his forge and blacksmithing. He will be mentoring a kid from the high school next month and he said I could come out sometime and watch and see his forge. I had recently seen an episode of Forge and Anvil about making knives out of cable; if I hadn't seen it I would have no clue what J was talking about when he said he used cable to make knives. That's a crazy thing to do.

Maybe I'll work some more on my feeder; I need to get these projects done faster. This should have been done, or at least done as far as I can get to. I need to decide how I am going to do the legs. I fell asleep thinking of how to make portable hay feeders for shows last night.

S Z called last night and left a message about her baby goats; she has too many to deal with and did I want some? Right now I have too much milk so my first thought was yes. But, the barn/ flood situation and my chore load are limited and actually I think I need less goats, so I will say no and I will send some milkers to J's on Monday. With about 15 does due to kid by April 1st, shipping some out right now is a good idea.


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