Sunday, April 16, 2006

Josh has gone on his first all by himself with a friend road trip.
He and his friend John have gone down to S F. Tomorrow they are going to see The Books. They have been planning this trip for a while, down to every detail.

John just got his license, so they drove to Santa Rosa and will spend the night with Johns grandparents, and take a bus in to the city tomorrow.

One part of me is so thrilled to see him finally stretching his wings. At his age I was all over, road trips were a regular event, and I was in the city (N Y)regularly, although it was only 1 hour, not 5, away.

Then the other part is imagining all the horrors that hide behind every corner. I'm not sure it was such a good idea to watch the Out Of Towners yesterday...

I was quite relieved when he called saying they had made it safely to SR and dinner was already waiting for them. Someone is watching out for them down there; that's a bit of a relief.

They're spending the night tomorrow after the show at the youth hostel in Union Square.
I'm sure they will have a great time, but I sure can come up with some nasty scenarios in my head until he is safely home.


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