Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Baseball, and the boss.

It was annoying peple day here on the edge of the world.
Although I don't really find them too annoying, my day started with a goat family bringing their triplets (from my Alpine buck) over to be disbudded and banded,

They really are fine, and instead of the whole family, it was just the 3 youngest kids, so it must've been my temperment yesterday. It all went fine.

And the sun was out.

Later, during nap time, I was hunted down by a definitely annoying goat person. The feedstore guy who gave her directions to my house will get an earful today, BTW..

Mid afternoon, while I was pleasantly mowing the lawn (again? yes, this is what happens when the rain quits and the sun comes out...hatching!!) I remembered something T had briefly mentioned while we were standing in line at the noisy and busy casino. Something about the boss being in town and we were having dinner with him. Didn't he say Monday?

Back home, and the first Red Sox/ Yankees game (In Boston) is on, but not looking too good for the bombers. As I put an english muffin into the toaster, the phone rang and I was again reminded of the evenings activity. Good thing I hadn't eaten the muffin yet.

Dinner was fine. I had eaten on and off during the day, oblivious to the appointment, so I wasn't that hungry. I hadn't met the boss before, but it was fine. Have I mentioned that I have social fear of the unknown?

Then later at the ranch, another encounter, at this point I have learned to tune out most of the dialogue so it was only partly annoying. Also, I can work and visit at the same time so I'm not annoyed at being held up.

After chores and milking I did a little work on the feeder, and figured out how to fit the barrels to the bottom.

I made sure to be home in time to watch "The Standard Of Perfection; Show Cows" on PBS.
Talk aboput custom made for me. Especially with my first show of the season only days away. It was a little window into my world. Even though I don't particularly like cows, I have spent plenty of time around them, and with daily milking livestock, you have pretty much the same relationship no matter what it is (cow, sheep, goat, mare..)

I'll bet Clover knew some of those farmers..


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