Monday, May 01, 2006

I was very surprised to see that a ewe had had twin black lambs sometime yesterday afternoon! I had pretty much figured that my lambing was over for now. I don't know if this was a ewe that might have lost lambs early on and got re bred, or just a late one. Either way it was a welcome sight.

I have been working with the bucks that are going to the show this weekend. They are doing fine, walking and standing on the lead. Even the littlest Westside is being very co operative.
I am not clipping bucks for this show. The weather is still chilly and damp, and just the stress of hauling and the show is enough to make them sick. I had a judge somewhat admonish me for clipping last year, so I am quite willing to oblige.

Sure enough i had a teat dip barrel so last night I started cutting on it to get it so I can build the feeder around it. I need another, I'll try to track one down.

The weather has skipped right over any spring and now we are in the chilly damp overcast foggy summer type routine. Can't get a break. I almost drove inland enough to get some sun and warmness to dry out my bones. It looks like it's going to be almost 90 in Redding today. That's only 4 hours away...

We watched "A Place In The Sun" the other night, considered an "essential" by TCM. Starring Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift. Eh.
Last night we watched "Charlie Varrick" ; Walter Matthau as a bank robber, circa 1973. Slightly amusing.


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