Sunday, July 16, 2006


One more movie for yesterday
Uh, M. Night Shymalan. Need I say more?
It's a 2 hour movie with about 20 minutes of content. Too drawn out for me. Too many exchanged glances, thoughtful pauses, so drawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn out.
I only halfway watched it and I didn't miss a thing. Pretty cheesy.
I give it a 4

I really felt like crap all day yesterday. Headache, toothache and Aunt Flo all conspiring against me, plus angst and worry.
I feel slightly better this morning. The headache is somewhat beaten back by the Ibu and Suda cocktail. I woke up about 4 in the morning and I was up for 2 hours. I watched the dawn.
I think not eating anything but 2 pieces of toast all day didn't help matters.

I'l like to finish my feeder today. I looked at it yesterday and had no desire to do anything. It wasn't in me, and I don't think I should deal with an arc welder and large power tools when I am not 100%.
The people who I made the stanchion for have finally told me what color they want it painted, so I can FINISH it. Move it out. Red, BTW.

I am curious about how the show in Brookings is going.

I vacillate between selling all the goats, and starting a micro dairy.


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