Friday, July 14, 2006

Productive Thursday

I totally was on a roll yesterday.

I finished the deck for the stanchion, the last 2 support bars cut, welded and primed. The thing is pretty much done. I just need to know what color they want it painted.

I started back on the feeder that was interrupted by the stanchion. I got the legs on one side cut, footed, welded and set in place. Last night I got the second side cut and footed, all ready to weld.

I also started cleaning out the fresh goat pen and am almost done. Then I start on the rest of the barn. One wheelbarrow at a time. I need to have the barn cleaned out by the time the fair is over so I can take loads of leftover shavings.

I lost a buck yesterday. Izzy has had some wierd abcesses on his head for the past few months. A few months ago he had some nasty obes on his cheeks/ jowls which burst finally and then he was fine. But last week he started growing one on his throat and it got pretty big. I think it choked him. As long as I have animals, there's always something I have never seen before. I do have 2 of his daughters, anyway.

T is gone to Portland until tomorrow. Josh and I are going to Arcata tonight for a blacksmithing and casting demonstration at Fire Arts.


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