Poor Judd is dead

At dawn this morning it was 47 degrees. I am sitting by the heater as I type. But then again, I could put on socks and a long sleeved shirt...
SF came by yesterday morning to see about buying some of my does, but I had an errand to run so Icouldn't do that right then. She says that she thinks she'll be milking in 3 weeks. They were pouring cement as we spoke. The parlor is a double 20 taking 2 milkers. I am interested ( to say the least) in seeing this whole operation. I'd like to work something into our purchase agreement where I get to hang out over there and see what's going on and check on my does. Of course more than willing to help as well.
Afterwards I hooked up the trailer and went to Loleta to pick up a couple of lambs. The ranch where the lambs are is beautiful and picturesque ( although with the same low lying problem I have; I doubt it was as beautiful 7 months ago..). The pastures have board fences like a Kentucky horse farm. I'll try to get some pics next time I go over there.
Off to Eureka and I drop the lambs off at the butcher. I pick up some of the best looking hay I have seen in months at the Eureka Nilsens ( finally this years crop) and then stop at the thrift store where I score a pair of small bike wheels for 3.00.
Next at Piersons where I get the red paint for Fosters stanchions and home I go.
Finally I feel well enough to get back on my feeder project and I manage to make the best welds I have made yet. The base if mostly done to the point where the feeder is back upright and sitting on the base.
Josh has been in Ruth since Sunday and he had promised to call me yesterday as I have been worried out of my mind about this trip. He hasn't called and I have been planning his funeral. If he isn't dead I'm gonna kill him.
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