Saturday, August 05, 2006

Grease macaca

I was up until almost 2 this morning finishing up my yarn for the fair entry. They are due before 4 today.
Ted and I went back to the yard sale and boy it looked like a swarm of locusts came through. It was pretty picked clean. Even still I got a little saber saw, 2 valves for my milking machine, and a couple of snaps.
We decided to have lunch in town and I figured we had plenty of time . It was 2:45.
There was a big table ahead of us, so we didn't get our food until 3:15. We left the restaurant at 3:41.
It was close.
I made it a minute or 2 after 4 (aargh that was a bit stressful), and yet someone came in after me with her crocheting. They didn't care. There's a lot of entries at Belotti Hall! I was happy to see that; it seems the entries have been a little sparse for the past few years.
I entered 4 skeins of yarn; fine singles, medium singles, and multiple ply, wool; and cellulose fiber in the cotton.

After a nap I was inspired to start cleaning the layer of oily gunk that the new engine has all over it. It's really gross. Ted found a can of carburetor cleaner and that was the ticket, along with a toothbrush.
It is really dirty, but I managed to clean off the carburetor, the air filter housing and the plate that holds the throttle and choke linkage.
It's really pretty where I cleaned it off!
But man is that crap dirty. I'm going to wear my latex gloves to try to keep that mess to a minimum.

BTW we got the engine started. It runs a little rough, and it definitely needs a muffler, but it starts!
Ted likes the little engines I got. Now to figure out a project for them...


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