I believe that the government is fully supporting the recent trend in tattooing so each person has individual marks and therefore is easily identified.
I expect to find my doe in heat this morning. This is me playing with fate trying to trick it into thinking I think one thing and the other will happen just to spite me. It's O K that I've written it down because it knows what I'm thinking anyway. But I am prepared for the disappointment..sort of.
This fleece is killing me. First I can't et it to dry so I set some on the heater each day so I have some to work with. It jams my drum carder, it is sticky and lumpy, but I'll point out again that is making beautiful yarn, I want to finish it quickly because it is barely satisfying and I have other much easier fleeces waiting.
On the knitting front, the vest I have been sort of working on for months is past the bottom of the armholes and marching up to the neckline. If I make myself knit ( it's really not that bad) I can easily do 2 to 3 " in a sitting. The hat I made the other night was very satisfying, but I need to at least finish one half of this vest before I start something else. I also think I have 1 finished sock somewhere that needs a mate.
I had a dream right before I woke up about a family that came to look at the ranch. Although they weren't all that nice to me ( and one lady fell in the lake behind the barn and almost drowned) they did tell me I could stay. I broke down crying and totally embarassed myself.
I almost have the stanchion deck done, I need to get a heavier piece of steel from the Ironworks today to make the cross brace. I must deal with the man in white. So I'll do a Fortuna trip and get some pictures of Hoppers headpiece which I will copy this time. She's coming by tonight for me to AI her doe. Again. This time for good.
On ironwork yesterday, I made a mistake which usually causes me to quit for the day. It's hard for me to do something twice, but in this case it was a really easy fix, so I bulldozed right through it. That was kinda big for me. The metalwork really goes fast and I can get so much done in an hour. I like the lack of sawdust, it's such a clean hobby, I don't get why girls are more often drawn to woodworking.
I expect to find my doe in heat this morning. This is me playing with fate trying to trick it into thinking I think one thing and the other will happen just to spite me. It's O K that I've written it down because it knows what I'm thinking anyway. But I am prepared for the disappointment..sort of.
This fleece is killing me. First I can't et it to dry so I set some on the heater each day so I have some to work with. It jams my drum carder, it is sticky and lumpy, but I'll point out again that is making beautiful yarn, I want to finish it quickly because it is barely satisfying and I have other much easier fleeces waiting.
On the knitting front, the vest I have been sort of working on for months is past the bottom of the armholes and marching up to the neckline. If I make myself knit ( it's really not that bad) I can easily do 2 to 3 " in a sitting. The hat I made the other night was very satisfying, but I need to at least finish one half of this vest before I start something else. I also think I have 1 finished sock somewhere that needs a mate.
I had a dream right before I woke up about a family that came to look at the ranch. Although they weren't all that nice to me ( and one lady fell in the lake behind the barn and almost drowned) they did tell me I could stay. I broke down crying and totally embarassed myself.
I almost have the stanchion deck done, I need to get a heavier piece of steel from the Ironworks today to make the cross brace. I must deal with the man in white. So I'll do a Fortuna trip and get some pictures of Hoppers headpiece which I will copy this time. She's coming by tonight for me to AI her doe. Again. This time for good.
On ironwork yesterday, I made a mistake which usually causes me to quit for the day. It's hard for me to do something twice, but in this case it was a really easy fix, so I bulldozed right through it. That was kinda big for me. The metalwork really goes fast and I can get so much done in an hour. I like the lack of sawdust, it's such a clean hobby, I don't get why girls are more often drawn to woodworking.

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