Sunday, April 09, 2006

I see something resembling sunshine, although I also see the sky is cloudy.
When T's alarm went off this morning it started raining. A double whammy.

The F family came over yesterday and we reviewed his choices in the rain. He picked Annie's doe, and Rosebud's doe, so "What's For Dinner" and Watermark get to stay with me.
They also brought Panda with them; I hadn't seen her since I left her at their house months ago. She was so slean! She got a bath and now lives the life of border collie luxury inside. They tell me they have taught her to fetch a ball, which is more than I ever managed.
Here's Riley with his 2 new kids in the back of their truck:

When I got to the ranch last night, Vreiss has had her kids, a set of twins, one of each. Surprise! they are light red!
My next does to kid are an alpine yearling, and my permanent Grand Champion, "Ms Man".
After that I think maybe Rosasharn is due on the 21st and I am almost done.

Baseball season has started and the Yankees are in last place! Cool! Maybe buying Johnny Damon was a mistake (maybe?). I haven't seen a game yet, still debating about the computer games vs. the satellite.
It's fun to have a team to keep track of. It's almost summer. I must go swimming more than twice this year.

Meridian Road Is OPEN!!! I drove across it last night and it was like time travel! I got to the corner of Port Kenyon and I'm all "I'm here already!!". I do imagine it will be open at least for a few months until the next flood....


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