Saturday, April 08, 2006

Except for a few brief hours, we haven't seen the sun for over 3 weeks. It's really getting ridiculous, but I shouldn't complain. At least the rain has let up. Instead of driving cold rain, we get occasional soft warm(er) rain, and usually only in the evenings.
It's been a long long winter. I know when it was raining incessantly in December and January, I could look forward and think, only a few more months of this. Well it's still going on. Who was I trying to kid?

I did a little more mowing last evening before it started raining; I moved my truck bed trailer and the hay wagon and mowed underneath ( like moving furniture to vacuum).

I took 3 does to J's, and the next day Tarachandra had twins so I was almost back to the numbers I was at. I'll probably send 4 or 5 kids tomorrow; a bus is leaving for a sale down south, but I have 3 does due to kid in the next week. I think 2 kids should leave for our local project this weekend.
It's time to prune the herd.

T is out of town, and we were out of bread, so I did Fortuna chores yesterday; gas, groceries, bank.
I hardly talked to anyone all day yesterday; one phone call, and whoever I met on my chores.. And I didn't miss it.

I think about warm spring back east; flowering trees and warm breezes. Song birds and
the summer approaching. I am missing warm weather terribly. I am always cold here.
And with Passover approaching I am really missing my family.

Off to do chores.


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