Monday, April 17, 2006

WOW, it's like SUNNY out.
I mean from where I am sitting I can't even see A CLOUD..
I'm lookin'...nope, can't see one.

It's not particularly warm, but it's NOT RAINING.

I finally got a hold of Shining Moon ranch and I will be travelling down there on Wednesday. I was planning on going tomorrow, but that wasn't working for them.
I imagined passing Josh and John on 101, them on their way back from their city adventure.
It looks like, according to today's forecast, it will be a clear sunny day too.

I have to fabricate a rear hatch for my truck cap to hold the new does. The old one has been missing since it fell out and broke sometime over the winter. And I don't need to haul the little trailer all that way for 3 goats.
It looks to be a pretty simple fix. I could even just rig up a piece of hog wire at the back.

I think today I will completely clean out my kidding pen. It looks like Rosasharn might be bred to kid on the 21st. I had my doubts as she came back into heat 3 weeks past her breed date, but she looks to be getting ready. I would love to get a doe out of her, she is really a lovely doe.

I'm going to be foolishly daring and take Ms Mans kids to the ranch today. They have both been very healthy and are getting out of their bucket regularly, so they might be fine. The doeling is very nice and I would hate to have anything happen. She'll come right home if I see anything funky.

I am selling Rare Treat today. She's going to be a family milker, and will be joining her dam, Rare Earth in Southern Humboldt. Yesterday J and M took Twister, Target and Vera, so as of today I am down 4 milkers. I'm also drying up Princess Leia.
But 2 milkers are coming from Shining Moon, so I'll be back up to about 12 milkers.
I felt pretty good about shipping those 3. I'm at the point where I need to cull anything unacceptable, faulty, unpleasing, unshowable. Twister and Rare Treat are both Lakota daughters, and I don't care how his pedigree reads, he did nothing for my herd. I have twin daughters out of Twister that look better than she does, and Twisters dam is also a better doe, so she goes.

I have to be able to look at my goats/ breeding program and see constant improvement.

First show of the season is a buck show on May 6th, and Winfield is looking GREAT!!


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