Moorit Ewe lamb!

It was a good thing I was expecting I might find maggots in my sheep's feet. It's such a nasty surprise, especially if you don't know thay might be there.
I'm really gald I don't have maggots living in my feet.
I treated the worst ewes, my big ram and a lamb. I didn't have iodine to put on to kill the maggots, but being exposed to the air through trimming and a good dose of kopertox will be a good start.
I strangely enjoyed working on the sheep today.
The new lamb is a ewe and she is quite brown; Moorit! Her mom was one of the worst foot problem offenders. I imagine in a day or 2 when she feels better she'll be eating better and making more milk for her babies. The ram lamb has a brown tip on one ear.
If I had known this ewe was going to lamb I would have dealt with her feet earlier. She lost triplet lambs in December so I am relly glad she rebred so well and so fast. She's one of the new ewes from Holmes.
I'll gather up the sheep in a few days and treat them again and that should take care of it.
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