Sunday, September 17, 2006


I think I had my best NorthCountry fair yesterday. We arrived smack in the middle of the SAMBA! parade, always my favorite. I was sure we were too late and would miss it.

The Fair was totally packed, I think more crowded than I ever remember.

The best finds were free. A beaded bracelet Ted found on the ground. A pair of awesome abandoned boots that fit me like Cinderella's. Don't worry, I gave them hours to come back and get them, and they were by the garbage and the porta san's.

Some great bands, lots to see, some guys on a slack line that were only slightly good, falling often. Unfortunately they wouldn't let me play. He is "licensed by the state"?.
Soon after that his line broke. He wasn't even dressed up or acting like he was performing or anything.

The wonderful African food I had a few years ago. Yum for sweet peanut sauce and fried plantains.

WE all agreed that the edge is missing. There are no vendors with the goth/ industro/ hand made/ edgy kind of appeal. Some were close, but the earrings/pottery/tie dye/ beaded/ baby clothes/ felted hats/ just is missing the mark.

Off I go. Looks like a full day of mowing hay.


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