Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sunny saturday...again

Ted is working hard on our new Master's going to be the biggest bedroom I think we've ever had. And it will have a closet! Uptown!!
He's almost got the floor insulation done, and I think he'll almost start putting down the subflooring today.
We need to get a window soon to replace the sliding door that was our garage door.

I got my buck proof fence done in very little time yesterday morning. Well I say buckproof, but I haven't been yet today..
It looked good and I saw a number of volunteers get zapped.

Yesterday I got very little done. A few loads of laundry, a fleece is out on the drying rack, a nap. Yesh, that was about it.

We did have a lovely dinner last night at Parlatos.

Today I have asked Kathy to help me with the perimeter fence. She said "it'll be fun!". Ahhh youth.

A kid in our town killed himself by driving off the cliff at the beach this week. Josh knew him, and went to school with his brother. One brother is in Iraq. Like his parents needed this. How can a parent live through something like that?

Another clear sunny day. No rain in sight. At least we're not on fire.

I am planning a crazy goat transport/ exchange/ road trip involving like 4 other's a real logistics problem.
I think I have it lined out..I am selling 4 or 5 bucks to one dairy woman, she will pick up 2 doelings (one for me, one for AF)on her way to Oregon, but will leave the doelings in Redding (4 hours from here) so as not have to take them across the border. Then on her way back down we'll meet, where I give her the bucks, she gives us the does.
I guarantee there will be waiting, and lots of driving involved..
The good news is that I think AF will ride with me. Yay!
And I'll get rid of these extra bucks. That will probably pay for the trip, the doeling and my next load of hay.


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