Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I made the mistake of clicking on the "update your Blogger account" and now it's not only merged with my Google account, but now it sucks. And I don't see any way to undo what I've done.
I may go back to LJ.

I have been thinking about how isolated I spend my time, very little social interaction, and maybe it's time for me to change that. I'm older now and Imight be able to handle dealing with people and their shit better. Some days I don't talk to anyone but Ted and Josh, and some days it's just Ted ( well and the goats, but they don't talk much).

Then on Monday some people came by to get a kitten. That was nice, they were a very cute couple, and the guy was from Allentown, Pa, not far from where I went to High School. Allentown, home of Dorney Park which once had the #3 best roller coaster in the world, according to the N Y Times.

Later I went up to Eureka to pick up my steel and it turned out that they had sold the big sheet of expanded steel that I dragged my little trailer up there specifically for.
I pretended to be really mad ( only for a second) and they were highly apologetic and offered to deliver one as soon as the truck came. That's a long ways to go to deliver one sheet of steel. why would they do that? It's not like I am a huge buyer for them.
Did I scare them? I mean they are metalworkers, tough right?

Back at the ranch I was amazingly productive, almost finishing one headcatch and cutting out all the tubing for a second.
Back home that night I spun 3/4 of a lb of yarn, which was a lot to do in one night. I have an order to fill; I donated yarn to a local long time breeder and ADGA judge who in turn will knit it into a sweater to donate it to a fund raiser. The ADGA convention will be here ( well, Santa Rosa) in 2008).

I called my nephew for his birthday yesterday. They were on their way to sushi for his party. It's hard to get any information out of an 8 year old in a car. I did manage to get his e mail.

Cold cold last night, and it's frosty this morning. Ted started a fire before he left so it's pretty toasty in here now.


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