Monday, November 06, 2006

It is so warm. It's even warmer than summer now. We're sleeping with the window open and I'm still almost too warm.

It's only taken this little bit of rain and this warm warm weather and now the fields are greening up. I cleaned out one of the feeders yesterday and the old hay has already started to compost and mold.
It seems there's a haystack on fire near the bridge. A few weeks ago I saw a huge stack of alfalfa by Miranda's dairy, and I wonder if the little rain got it so hot that it spontaneously combusted. I've had alfalfa get so hot it almost burned my hands. It's amazing how wetness can make heat like that.

It's so much easier to clean up now; the dampness lubricates weeds and dirt. The ground is no longer hard rock and I can also build myself a burn pile. Fall is set stuff on fire season here in California.
I've cleaned almost the entire cement yard off now, it looks so fresh and lovely. I've been scraping that yard since the first few days I was at this ranch when I scraped up the mud from the flood 2 years before in 1996.

I've made a fatal engineering error in the construction of the headcatch of the stanchion, and now I will try to fix it or I will have to build a whole new one. This is the learning stage of my new trade.
It's all O K.
I did manage to weld the horixzontal braces for my welding table to the huge 4 X 4 angle iron; that steel it so thick it takes a different technique to be sure I get good weld penetration. Fortunately it doesn't need to be all that strong as it's just support and not stress.

We need a new vacuum. Like now. Like today.


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