Friday, November 03, 2006

Farming is a frivolous waste of time

This (very long) discussion of "The Omnivores Dilemma" from Slate, by people who have obviously never left the city and who think that gardening is some sort of "housewifery"

"a nationalized food system allows people to be more than pickers and growers, it allows them to pursue their dreams to be dog dentists and travel agents"

"Yes, or doctors or poets or scientists"

"where living on your own farm where all you do is produce your own food and you don't have time to do anything else"

"you're spending this time making this food, and time is part of the economy...this kind of time is decadent...this is not somebody using their mind...he is envisioning a kind of national housewifery"

"if you're going to consign a certain # of people "back" to farms.... what's the compensatory mechanism?'s aesthetic pastoral contemplation"


"it can't be a Mexican migrant worker, has to be someone for whom the act of farming is the adequate compensation for the consumer and suburban culture that's been lost."

"this is why the book has to be so fru fru and appealing in it's presentation to take on this extra "Alice Waters" kind of aestheticism"

"it's a luxury to have that much time to think about food, I mean aside from it being's a little anti intellectual, it's frivolous"

And what's wrong with Mallomars for g-ds sake?


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