The question of the day was "did you see that plane?"
Yes, here in the little village, townspeople are all a buzz about the huge plane that terrorized the community. That gives a good view of how isolated we are here, when the big story is about an airplane flying over town.
I was right, it was a 777. The weather was so bad around Boeing in Seattle that the test flight came all the way down here to where it was clear.
I hear there will be a story in the paper.
Yesterday morning I didn't feel like making coffee so I drove into town for a cuppa, and as I get out of the car, I hear Kathy calling me; she and Fred are having coffee outside Cream City, so I join them for my morning cup.
She had been milking when the plane flew over, and the cows freaked out.
Rick P called me yesterday to see if I was still interested in the studio for rent as he had someone interested. I told him my situation; he didn't know ( or acted like he didn't know) that my place is for sale. That was all fine with him, he actually seemed like the person probably wasn't going to rent the space anyway, and now he knows what's up with me.
Josh drove the 2 of us to "The Red Barn" ( the Fine Art building during the Fair)to vote last night.
Ran into Jan N, who knew all about the plane; she had called the ATC in Hydesville.
Also ran into Jill H who was working the voting entry machine,and who wanted to talk about sheep and goats.
This was Josh's first time voting, although I think he most always has come with me when I voted. Since we have lived in this town since he was 1 1/2, we've done that quite a few times.
The "Pineapple Express" that is terrorizing the northern Oregon/ Southern Washington area with massive flooding, is usually headed straight at us. I am so thankful that we have been spared this one this time.
Floods suck.
I fixed the headgate and now it is perfectly functional. I am thinking, however, that I should probably build a whole new one as this is a custom order, and it's kinda funky. Or do I just go with it, because it is a OOAK custom order and each one of these that I build will be slightly different?
The good news is that it isn't paid for yet, and I can always put this headcatch on a another deck and sell this one later.
My neighbors brought over 2 of their Alpine does to get bred yesterday. We stood in the barn just as the rain started in the afternoon. They are interested in finally getting some registration on their does, so we were looking through the ADGA guidebook and going over reg application stuff while goat sex was going on.
I'm kinda excited about them getting reg papers; it's always fun to have another breeder, not that they haven't been breeding for years, but still..
I listed some stuff on eBay; I need to generate some cash. Maybe I'll load a trailer up with some culls today and take them to Walt. Hmm I think I slept too late today for that project..
Amazingly the sun is out today. This weather has been so wonderful, with the warm weather, and the gently yet ample rains. My new lambs are already grazing, and the new fresh grass is just perfect for them.
Maybe I'll even venture washing another fleece today. I called the woman who is supposed to be processing my fleeces to find out what is up, as it's been months, and everytime I see her she tells me she's about to do mine, or they are next in line.
Of course she told me the same thing again. I have a yarn order that needs to be filled...
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