Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Last night I walked the dogs down the road and back before I left for the ranch. As I was walking back I saw, at the end of the road where our valley opens up into the larger valley, a HUGE plane flying to the left, then take a right turn. This plane was HUGE and flying very low, I mean it was unbelievable.

So I drive towards the ranch and I see the plane has circled back around and now heading west.
This plane is huge, and it definitely came from somewhere else, as out local airport could never launch a plane this size. The nearest airports that it could have come from would be Portland or SF, 250 miles away.

As I drive down Meridian, there are cars stopped along the side of the road watching this thing circling our little valley.
What the hell?
I stop at the first car; it's the kid that used to live in the little house, he has a rifle sight he's looking through.
He says it's a Singapore Airlines jet, and it's been flying around like this for almost an hour.
Farther down is another neighbor with binoculars.

The thing was so huge in our little valley, it made me realize how we aren't scaled for such things. It was so huge and flying so low you couldn't help but see it if you were outside, like a huge comet in the night.

It then started climbing and headed north and it was gone.

The whole thing was really freaky.

I asked Josh about it when he got home from work.
He said the people in grocery store and the palace saloon spilled out onto the street to see it.

We get some information that it was a training flight from Seattle.
In researching, I am going with it being a 777.
We'll find out eventually.

The thing was HUGE


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