Pump and grind
After wrestling with my milking machine for a few days, I decided that maybe the pulsator was tha problem, so this morning, before milking, I tore the whole thiing apart and cleaned it. It was kinda dirty, but not what I was expecting. I oiled it and put it back to gether and I still had the same problem.
Next trouble shooting idea was to exchange it with another pulsator I have. I still had the same problem. So I took apart the reserve tank and hoses and there it was; some gunk in the line from the tank to the pulsator.
After struggling with the machine for days and mostly hand milking because of it, it was a simple fix. Tonight it worked great, better than it has in a long time.
I've been rebuilding my little trailer, getting it in shape for my next show in Red Bluff.
I took all the plywood off and I'm cleaning and repainting the steel. I also got fenders and a new hitch coupler for it.
The fenders are getting painted before I mount them, I sprayed with primer, and brush painted the under side. I decided to wait and get spray paint for the outside as the brush paint wasn't quite right for the outside. I'll get that tomorrow.
I added some angle iron to both sides of the trailer to mount the fenders on. It's a tricky fit, and I have been debating whether to rivet or weld them on. I think I am settled on welding them.
It really needed fenders as the mud and road stuff was wreaking havoc on the plywood. I also sanded and painted the plywood, so now the trailer will be in my barn colors; black and blue.
Here one fender is getting primed, the other is still bare steel. You can see the color I am painting the plywood in the background.

I ground off the bolts holding the old coupler and I'm ready to mount the new one.
I will get the bolts I need also tomorrow. I might drill one more hole for an extra bolt just for more security.
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