Saturday, June 17, 2006

Everyone knows it's Windy

I finally started straightening out the shop so I can back to work on my projects. That's the shearing mess, the fair mess, the goat mess, etc.
I have the frame for the bottom of the stanchion laid out and that should all go pretty fast.
When Fred was over the other day I asked for some metalwork advice. He told me I need a bigger vise, which I think I had that idea, so I am now shopping for one. My vice also gives me problems as it often loosens when I'm working on it.

My doe that got so sick is totally on the mend. She has her appetite back, and before when she fell when getting on and off the stanchion, now she can now do it herself without assistance. She has some shine to her coat, and when I put her back in with the milkers she spent hours fighting. She needs to gain about 40 lbs, but I think she's going to be O K. However, I don't think she'll gain 1/2 of her udder back, which I am still treating for massive mastitis. Don't poke stuff you have sitting on the windowsill up a goats teat...

Ths sun is out but now we have the wind. Looks like it'll be windy for days. That'll get old real fast.

I guess it's time to start repairing my barn roof. No time like the summer time.


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