Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Making hay while...wait, there's no sun!

Well, I guess it's nice to be valuable, competent and needed/ wanted, but...

I thought I had a whole day to fart around. I was going to do my Fortuna bank/ gas/ thrift store/ feed store/ dollar store trip which I enjoy so much.

First J calls. She was sick most of the weekend; so much so that she had to have other people show her goats on Sunday as she was home in bed. Mike had come by yesterday to drop off and pick up some does and said she was still sick. Not only that, but he was leaving for Idaho (?) on Wednesday. Here's J, sick, with 2 small kids, one still in diapers , and a huge dairy to run by herself. I knew that was going to be a problem.

So when she called I pre empted her when she said she had a big favor to ask me. Yep, I'm back in the dairy business. I'll milk with M tonight and hopefully figure out how to run that barn and tomorrow I'm a commercial milker.

I got a call from RP about the mowing. He wants me to mow more on that field this afternoon.
So there goes my shopping trip.

I'll do my banking as I fly through Eureka on my way to the dairy.

Not much chance of a nap today.


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