Thursday, June 15, 2006


Yeah, then it was on to try to gather up sheep that seem to be living wild on 40 acres of redwood mountainside.
Oh, and it was raining.

We did manage to get 8 in a pen and picked out 2 lambs to send. I hauled themto Eureka then finally got a chance to go to the thrift store. I needed some clean clothes as I was wet filthy and smelly. I found some and changed into them in the changing room. When I went to pay I told the cashier that I had changed into the clothes and she said "Oh people do that all the time".

T and I had dinner at the Waterfront. His yesterday story of dealing with incompetence has a family tie, unfortunately.

Our 3rd tale of incompetence is local. Also part of the "they'll promise you anything, but never follow through" type of incompetence. Except this time an elderly woman found herself without water while her family had left for the weekend. Competence came to fix her water system.

The sun has finally finally come out. The forecast actually shows warm for today, highs close to 80!! Inconceivable!
I'll finish mowing this field after my chores.

I spoke to a guy who raises Romneys and Colored Romneys (sheep) just south of us. He has rams for sale so I'll go see what I can find in the next few days. I need a new ram, and the price is right, so I imagine I'll find what I need.

I seem to have pink eye in my left eye.


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