Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunny sunday

It was so hot yesterday. I mean, hot and dry and the wind almost lost all of it's bite. that's really really unusual.
I checked the weather at some point and it was 88 in Fortuna; I don't remember it being that hot ever.

Ted spent the morning working on our new room. He almost has the insulation in the floor done, and the subflooring is starting to go down. Another wonderful thing about the new room is that it's downstairs, away from the tin roof. In the winter when the rain is deafeningly pounding, we can sit in the bedroom oblivious of the onslaught. That will be so lovely.

Kathy came by in the afternoon to help me with the fence. Miles came by later. The roll that I thought would be about 1/2, was only about 1/3 of what I need. It all went mostly smoothly except for my ineptness when working with others. It only took about an hour and we had almost 300 feet of woven wire stretched and hung. I need to make this next goat deal in order to afford the extra roll I hadn't budgeted for, plus a few more fenceposts.

I have finished picking, carding and spinning the first bit of Lazy's fleece. It's going to make more yarn that I thought. I have visions of a new cardigan for myself.
When we have an extra room I might even be able to break out the table loom and do some weaving..

The pink eye epedemic seems to have ended, with no new cases for over a week. I do have 2 blind goats in the barn, one is almost better, the other still in the throes of it. Strangely, both does came from the same place, the free Westhaven does.

I need to appreciate the wonderful relationship I have with my vet. It broke down the other day when the regular receptionist ( who gives me whatever I want) wasn't there, and the staff had no idea who I was. Fortunately Dr. S stepped out for a minute ( to comment on my hair color) and things went a little more smoothly. The odd thing is I was getting something that I could have gotten at the feed store, not a prescription item. even though they treated it as such. In the end, I got what I needed, however. But the 20 minutes it took was unnecessary..
I know others don't have the same relationship. They ask me to get stuff for them...

It looks like it'll be another sunny warm day, it's already 72 in Fortuna. I need to start working on the next stanchion. Hey Amy, I need to come look at your headpiece. You took it with you when I was milking...


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