Saturday, October 28, 2006

a surprisingly productive day

I once again am greeted by a mass of vultures at the ranch when I get there. I also see not one but two fresh ewes. One has a single nice black lamb, the other ( finally the ewe I have been watching) has 2 small white ones. These don't look too strong. I get all of them to go into the small front field where I have been putting the ewes with new lambs. Now that's 7 lambs out of 4 ewes in October. This is all good.

I got a call from an ad I placed on Craigslist about the wethers and the gal shows up around noon. She just wanted some brush goats/ horse companions, and I sure am glad I took the horns of of at least a few of these guys, because that's just what she wanted. Now 2 goats gone and money in my pocket. And 3 new lambs. So far so good.

In the afternoon I went full speed ahead on the stanchion and now it's completely done except the last bit of the AI rails. That will be a real quick job and I should be able to get shipping costs on Monday for even more money in my pocket.
I did a lot of handwork on this stanchion as the headlock was made adjustable, and I kind of forged the latch. That was way fun.
Metal is so surprisingly soft and malleable and so much more forgiving than wood. It amazes me everytime I work. If I make a mistake I can re do it, or even fill in where I have gaps. No way can you do that with wood.
I am loving this stuff.

My new lambs are a bit weak so I have been supplementing with some sheep/ goats milk. They have been drinking it down so I think they'll be fine.

Tonight we will go to see Josh play at the local saloon for the "Freakers Ball". Since he is under drinking age, the law states he has to be in a "non alcohol zone", that is where no alcohol can be where he is. Like a cone of soberness. Fortunately they are totally accomodating this, which kinda surprises me. The band will be playing all original music, all night. They have been practicing for weeks, and putting flyers up ALL over town.

So if yer in Ferndale tonight, check out the Palace and "The Malone".


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