Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Villagers terrorized by UFO

Yes, it has made the newspaper.

Boeing plane test run sparks community fears of disaster

“The lowest we went was 1,700 feet, ranging up to 3,000 feet,” Cadena said. “The altimeter tells the airplane how far off the deck it is. We had to spend half the time over the water and half the time over a fairly flat stretch of land. The banking and maneuvering were typical of that aircraft, but I’m not surprised it scared people. It’s big, beautiful and awfully quiet. It’s hard to gauge distance off the ground when something that big is in the air.”

“I didn’t see it skimming any trees, but I couldn’t hazard a guess as to the altitude,” Ford said. “To me, it seemed like it was cruising without problems. The engine didn’t vary in pitch, but it seemed to pass pretty slow.”

“I thought it was a lot lower than that from the perception, but when you’re used to little planes and then you see something like that, it’s quite a shock,” Mattson said. “And it was one of the quietest planes I’ve ever heard.”


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