Thursday, May 25, 2006

Shearing day.

I started work on my first "commission" piece; a goat milking stand. I am using the one T got me for my birthday as the prototype, so all I have to do is copy it.
I ordered the steel, and picked it all up on Tuesday.

Yesterday, I started working on the headpiece. Since I am floundering and learning it all as I go, it is probably taking me longer than it could, but in just a little over 2 hours I almost had the thing done. That was a surprise, as people charge a lot of money for these things.

Almost the whole thing is tack welded together, and I have the pieces that hold the part that swings welded and drilled. I imagine in less than 2 more hours I will have the whole headpiece done.

Today the shearer is coming to shear the sheep. I'll be glad to get that done. Some of the sheep need doctoring, this is a great time to do it. Then I'll start selling the fleeces on eBay.

I finally got my PIN # from ADGA so I can register goats on line. After waiting for weeks for it to arrive in the mail, I called and she said she would e mail it right over. Done. I registered 3 kids on line this morning , we'll see how that works.

This weekend there's a big show in Santa Rosa that I am not going to. I will be well represented with my 4H family taking a yearling and 2 kids they got from me. They came over last night so I could tattoo the kids, and I must say the Lamancha kid looks really good. I think they will do well.


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