Swimming is teh fun

After morning chores we packed it up and headed out of the dark and damp into the bright sunshine only 30 minutes to the south!!
And it was summer!
We went to the spot we swam in last fall, in the heart of the Redwoods.
This time we weren't all alone on the beach. It was a regular holiday weekend crowd, enough people to make it interesting, but not too many that they were close or annoying.
The weather was perfect. The water was perfect. We swam and tanned and ate from my new cooler.
It was so great. Swimming and diving and swimming some more.
I got water up my nose and it felt like summer.
Back home and back into the cave of fog.
In the evening I watched "Gone With The Wind" (again).
I think everytime I watch it I get something different.
Maybe I'll go and read the book.
My last doe to kid had twins yesterday; one of each. Alpines. I am all done.
When I think of thinning the herd, I can divide them into many subsets. Alpines? Older does? Youngest kids? CAE positive? Negative?
As of today I am thinking of eliminating all of the Lamanchas. and keeping the grades and Alpines.
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