The Party is Ovah
I am totally done at the fair ( fair ends tonight, tomorrow I can pick up my fleeces..)
Yesterday was the culmination of our project, the doe auction. As usual, there were no buyers, and a local livestock dealer was a great sport, buying most of the does, which he will turn out on his property and will become bear bait.
No dairys were there except one local dairy who is involved (Chairman) in the project.
Only one out of town breeder.
The prices were higher than in previous years, but I was pretty disappointed in the results. My nice doeling out of my heaviest milker will become a bears toothpick. I just couldn't justify my buying her back as I am no longer breeding Lamanchas. But I am still tempted.
The sale went pretty smoothly; I was at the table with the paperwork and even though I had no idea what to do, it all went fine and everyone was satisfied and within a few minutes after the sale was over, no paperwork, no goats, it was all done.

The show the night before (Friday) was nice with the Dairy goat products reception. J and D did a great job and the food was fantastic, the setting was really nice. We had a nice turnout, and I was thrilled that a Fraga doe won Champion. I am sure she's thrilled too. Good job!
And with that I am no longer involved with the project. I might even send a letter of resignation. With me it seems 2 more members are jumping ship. We've all had it with the direction this project is going; shows and showmanship leading to what? No buyers, no promotion, no connection hardly at all to the industry.
Yeah, I could have taken over promotion and courted dairys, cheese plants, out of town breeders and producers, but there are 12 members on the committee and I really feel like very few are actually involved, so why should I do more?
So on to breeding season and my Alpines and grades. I really hope to get a lot of A I breeding done this year. I have too many nice bucks in the tank to not give it a try. They don't do much good in there.
And pretty soon the rain will return.
Yesterday was the culmination of our project, the doe auction. As usual, there were no buyers, and a local livestock dealer was a great sport, buying most of the does, which he will turn out on his property and will become bear bait.
No dairys were there except one local dairy who is involved (Chairman) in the project.
Only one out of town breeder.
The prices were higher than in previous years, but I was pretty disappointed in the results. My nice doeling out of my heaviest milker will become a bears toothpick. I just couldn't justify my buying her back as I am no longer breeding Lamanchas. But I am still tempted.
The sale went pretty smoothly; I was at the table with the paperwork and even though I had no idea what to do, it all went fine and everyone was satisfied and within a few minutes after the sale was over, no paperwork, no goats, it was all done.

The show the night before (Friday) was nice with the Dairy goat products reception. J and D did a great job and the food was fantastic, the setting was really nice. We had a nice turnout, and I was thrilled that a Fraga doe won Champion. I am sure she's thrilled too. Good job!
And with that I am no longer involved with the project. I might even send a letter of resignation. With me it seems 2 more members are jumping ship. We've all had it with the direction this project is going; shows and showmanship leading to what? No buyers, no promotion, no connection hardly at all to the industry.
Yeah, I could have taken over promotion and courted dairys, cheese plants, out of town breeders and producers, but there are 12 members on the committee and I really feel like very few are actually involved, so why should I do more?
So on to breeding season and my Alpines and grades. I really hope to get a lot of A I breeding done this year. I have too many nice bucks in the tank to not give it a try. They don't do much good in there.
And pretty soon the rain will return.
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