Thursday, November 09, 2006

Life in Balance

The universe helps those that help themselves.

Yesterday morning I called the woman processing my wool to light a fire under her about getting my roving.
In the meanwhile I moved that black merino fleece that had been giving me so much ttrouble out of the line up, cleaned my drumcarder, and started carding and spinning the next white fleece.
This morning I get a call that my wool is done and she can deliver it to Fernbridge this afternoon.

I called Sandra F to see about getting some kids to pour this extra milk down.

This morning I get a call from a woman answering last weeks ad looking for wethers without horns.
The ones I have left all have horns, but I mention I have some nice doelings I'd sell.
She then tells me her daughter would love that and maybe even be interested in showing!
Wanting to encourage a new breeder/ shower in the area I drop the price and she's gonna think about it and call me back.

( o kay not really the + to - here, but goaty sort of)


While I was spinning last night, thinking about my sheep and the wool and the new Romney ram that is breeding now and the quality of my wool, I remember that I had asked Kathy D to save me out a nice Dorset ram out of her lamb crop this year. I had completely forgotten about that conversation I had with her, a month ago?

Not 20 minutes later I get a message from Amy that Kathy told her my ram lamb has been born and is doing great.

Ok that was as freaky as freaky gets

I was goat detective Sarah last night.

My neighbors, who use my bucks for breeding their Alpines, have a doe that is unregistered. Although her dam was registered, and her sire is registered, they never got a service memo from the breeder (G O for those in the know) and kind of gave up. I was helping them to register her as Grade Alpine 50%. I have her this years kid, who will be 75%, and I also have a relative doe's kid who will be 50%.

So I start looking around the ADGA website for information on the buck, who I thought I remembered her telling me years ago had the stupid name of HillyBilly ( how could one forget that name?).
I found the buck, and a few offspring, and I see he has a registered daughter with the neighbors herdname..?
So I check that pedigree and I see that the birthdate is the same as the doe they have. I am thinking that if this doe is a littermate to the doe thay have, the deal is done, they don't need a service memo and their doe is registerable as all Alpine!
So I call my neighbor, and it turns out that this is a doe that they sold to a friend, and apparently they managed to get the service memo from GO.
So now my doe from them is no longer grade, and the other doe is 75%, which is a whole generation up, which can be years of trying to get that done.

I am the goat detective.


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