Sunday, December 18, 2005

Oh man it's really stormy here today on the edge.

It is really stormy; rainy and windy. It comes in bursts, I guess they must be the ba theytalk about, but in between the rain stops and the wind stops and sometimes you see some blue sky.
That's the break. You run out to do farm chores when you catch the break. Sometimes you miss the break and you come home totally soaked.

I waited this morning and the break came.
I had a feeling I was going to have some new lambs, as the sheep seem to prefer to lamb in stormy weather.
Yes, there's a young ewe with a single lamb inside the small corral.
It's a good thing I was sort of looking for fresh ewes as I might have missed her.

I go to check them out and the ewe freaks and runs out of the corral. I spend the next 10 minutes herding her back through the gate, which is where she has to go away from the lamb to go back through the gate to actually get to the lamb. They were calling to each other the whole time.

So after I do my chores and the storm has come back I am watching the new lamb and the ewe from the dryness of the barn and I decide, it might be best if I make sure that lamb gets some milk. Plus, mom really hadn't dried the gunk off of it.

I took a fresh bottle from the goats milk, and a dry sweatshirt and went out into the storm and dealt with the lamb.
I had definitely missed the break.

It is so stormy now I imagine the power might go out. I just built a fire, I didn't even want to go out into it to chop the kindling, so for the first time ever I split it in the basement/ entry. I was in my pajamas, I was not getting wet.


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