
Another new lamb was born yesterday, and another ewe. I wonder why my ewe to ram ratio is so high? It isn't so with the goats.
This makes 9 new lambs for me. Cha ching! And after gathering up the whole mess of them yesterday I see I have quite a few lambs ready to ship. That was most welcome news.
Alas the demise of our beloved Kiwi. Of course hamsters only live for 2 years.
We still have her son/daughter (?) Steve.
And speaking of gender confusion, I asked Josh about one of his band members. "Is she his sister or his girlfriend"
"I don't know"
That should NEVER be the answer to that question.
The new family interested in a doeling is coming today. The way it poured rain all night last night I figured we'd be standing in the barn. But this morning it's clear and sunny.
My neighbors brought over another doe to be bred yesterday. They have already called ADGA about registering the doe that have( detective work on my part found that the doe is 100% Alpine and can be registered as such, along with all of her kids) and it all looks good. She was pretty excited about all of that, and I am thrilled for her, and that she is all into registering these goats.
And Ted went and bought us a new vacuum. To say that he has problems with vacuums is not enough, so this was a big step for him.
It's adorable and the house immediately got vacuumed.
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